We live in dangerous days. The apostle Paul warned Timothy that there would come a day when people would no longer put up with “sound doctrine” and I believe that we are now seeing the fuller implications of the apostle’s words. For me, it’s sad to see that for so many, they are easily swayed by a pastor or teacher based upon the size of his church or the success of his books and not even consider some of the things which they willing endorse. Okay, I must let the cat out of the bag as I am righteously annoyed at two of America’s more prevalent pastors who espouse such “expertise” in church growth----even giving conferences and offering the “struggling” churches resources by joining their “association.” But for the latest endorsements for Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, I must be obedient in exposing the error of their Christian beliefs.
There is a new movement called “Christ-Islam” which endeavors for Christians and Muslims to join together on the basis of “loving God and loving each other” for the sake of world peace. The movement which is called “A Common Word Between Us” http://www.acommonword.com/ holds to the belief of unity of the faith based on what both the Bible and Qur’an teaches. It states: “Not only can A Common Word Between Us give them a starting point for cooperation and worldwide co-ordination, but it does so on the most solid theological ground possible: the teachings of the Qu'ran and the Prophet r, and the commandments described by Jesus Christ u in the Bible. Thus despite their differences, Islam and Christianity not only share the same Divine Origin and the same Abrahamic heritage, but the same two greatest commandments.”
Any student of God’s only Word to man, the Bible, should be able to understand that the teachings of Islam and the teachings of the Bible are not compatible. In a document entitled “A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You” the following is endorsed by the mentioned names above as well as many other in the evangelical community:
“What is common between us lies not in something marginal nor in something merely important to each. It lies, rather, in something absolutely central to both: love of God and love of neighbor. Surprisingly for many Christians, your letter considers the dual command of love to be the foundational principle not just of the Christian faith, but of Islam as well---That this common ground consists in love of God and of neighbor gives hope that deep cooperation between us can be a hallmark of the relations between our two communities.” (http://www.yale.edu/faith/acw/acw.htm. see the names of those endorsing at the bottom of this document).
I know that it sounds rather “Kumbaya-ish” that we would show “our love” to Islam by recognizing that they also have a love for God and a love for each other just as we Christians are commanded to do; however, this has nothing to do with “love” but rather a blurring of the lines of truth which promote the idea of a “one world religion.” Islam and Christianity do not serve the same God. We do not share the common belief that we are of the same “Divine Origin.” John 1:1 states very clearly that man’s divine origin came from JESUS CHRIST who was “The Word” that He was with God in the beginning. Islam vehemently opposes the deity of Jesus Christ. How then can Christians promote the idea that we are on the same page with Islam when it comes to “loving God?” Furthermore, do we, as Christians, believe that Muslim’s are lovers of God when they deny that Jesus Christ is Lord? Does the God of the Bible see them as one’s who love Him? No, the reality is that Islam is far from God and is incapable of offering Him true worship because they have denied Jesus Christ. By evangelical pastors believing that we can “join together” on the common ground of “loving God and loving our neighbor” is being deceptive in their witness to Muslims making them feel as if they are lovers of God while being on the pathway to eternal damnation!
We cannot have “Peace” apart from the “Prince of Peace” who is Jesus Christ! Peace is not the absence of war but it is the presence of Jesus! By these “leaders” endorsing this idea, they are promoting deception by eliminating the truth about Christ and proposing that there is “another way” by which we can accomplish God’s plan on earth. Sorry Rick and Bill, but give me chapter and verse where it says that to “love others” means to lower the standard of truth in God’s Word. The truth in this matter is that there is no “compromise” when it comes to proclaiming who Jesus Christ is and by us softening our beliefs by coming under the name of “God” and “love” rather than the name of “Jesus Christ,” it diminishes the power of the gospel. Paul himself said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…”(Romans 1:16). It’s not the gospel of “God” as everyone has a “god” whom they serve. Islam serves a “god” who demands his followers “perform” acts of goodness in order to be given an opportunity to enter into heaven---and knows nothing of true love. Allah is not a god that reaches to man. So, Rick, Bill and others, why would you profane the holy Name of my God by portraying Him in the same light as the god of Islam? There is a greater agenda----one that calls for “global peace” apart from Christ, one that calls for the “unity of man” apart from Christ”, and one that calls for the “worship of one god” apart from Christ---its called the moving toward a one world religion and as for me, I’m not buying it!
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