A biblical and theological look at the subject of worship in light of the prevailing practices, philosophies, and worldviews that influence the body of Christ in seeking the Father in Spirit and in Truth.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Prayer Request
I want to thank so many of you for supporting this blog and being champions for truth. Although I have not met all of you who read this blog as some of you live in countries such as Russia, Great Britain, and Germany, I love that fact that we are connected in the Body of Christ. As my brothers and sisters in the Lord, I am asking for your prayers. I have recently finished writing my first book and it is now in the hands of a publisher who I feel that Lord has directed me to work with. This is a co-publishing endeavor and therefore, the financial obligation for the printing of the book rests upon me. I am asking that you partner with me in prayer for the provision of this project as it stands as a mountain before me. I know that "With God, all things are possible" but I also know that God works through the prayers of His people. I thank you for your commitment in doing so and I will remain to be a faithful servant of the Lord who desires to see His people worship Him "in Spirit and in Truth."
Worshiping at the Table of Demons
Trick or treat? It seems to be a harmless phrase that accompanies what has become one of the most celebrated holidays in America: Halloween. This is the time of year when we “celebrate” ghosts, witches, death, gore, and “good ole’ American” fun-----as long as nobody gets hurt. After all, we celebrated it as kids and why should we deprive our children and grandchildren the beautiful, lifelong precious memories that come from this wonderful celebration? I’m sure you can detect a sense of sarcasm in the tone of my writing as over the years, I have developed a very strong opinion (which that opinion is based upon what God’s Word says) about the notion of Christians participating in this celebration.
To begin with, you must ask yourself, “Does the Bible have anything to say about participating in Halloween?” The typical answer is, “No, it does not specifically say anything about Halloween.” The Bible does however, have much to say about God’s people in regards to participating in pagan celebrations. The origins of Halloween began with the pre-Christian druids of Gaul and Great Britain who believed that “ghosts and witches” would most likely to manifest during this night. The pagans of Western Europe believed their “god” whom the Christians called “the devil” became “incarnate in human or animal form” and they celebrated the presence of their “god.”[i] This is the essence of “Halloween.” It is based upon honoring some other “god” than the One True God. Even in the symbolism which we now associate with Halloween (jack-o-lanterns, black cats, “trick or treat,” etc.), it refers back to the roots of pagan beliefs and celebration practices. The Roman Catholic Church however, did attempt to rectify the celebration by instituting the “Festival of the Dead” and “All Saints Day” in the hopes to bring a redeeming value to the festival. Consequently, this attempt failed at changing the nature of the holiday as the entire historical context of Halloween is still centered upon the idea of being a “worship celebration” that has no Biblical basis.
As it stands now, as people celebrate the holiday, they carry on the “traditions” which origins began in the worship of demons. I find it interesting that many Christians attempt to convince themselves that they can “make” Halloween mean something other than what it truly represents (a sure sign of postmodern thinking). But imagine a “Christian making this claim: “Just because the cross of Christ stands at the foundation of salvation in history, to me, I think that its okay to choose to be a Mormon in order to be saved.” As Christians, we would argue that you would be in error if you adopted that particular belief as it is contrary to the claims of the Bible. We cannot change the “truth” about something because of what we choose to “believe.” In 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Paul refers to the idea of “origins” and the willingness to participate in something which has its origins in the demonic. He uses it in the context of the Lord’s Table and in essence, is promoting the idea that as God’s people, we cannot mix the “holy” and the “unholy.” He states, “No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s Table and the table of demons” (1 Corinthians 10:20-21). In other words, our lives as God’s people cannot represent the participation of both the godly and ungodly. We can attempt to dismiss the celebration of Halloween as being something “harmless” but is that thought in the context of God’s mind or ours? It’s much like taking a rotting piece of meat out of a dumpster, brushing it off, and presenting it to our children and saying “Here’s a gourmet meal for you to enjoy.” The truth is however, no matter how much you attempt to make the meat appetizing and appealing, it is still a rotten piece of meat from a dumpster. For some reason, many believers feel as Halloween can be “dressed up” and celebrated in a “Christian” manner; however nothing we can do will ever change the truth that it is still a celebration of the kingdom of darkness.
This Bible does give us some very sound advice. Ephesians 5:11 tells us to “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” As the apostle Paul wrote the Ephesians, he had a great concern for them in how they conducted themselves in their culture---especially when it came to the influence of paganism and the temple cult of Diana. He encouraged the Ephesians to be “imitators of Christ” not under the guise of blending in with the cultural norm but in standing against the things that were contrary to the Christian life. The things we “participate” in are the things we become “identified” with; thus, this was the reason Paul admonished the Ephesians to be “imitators” of Christ rather then being imitators of the pagan culture. Ignorance does not negate the truth and the truth about Halloween is what it is: the worshiping at the table of demons and for the Christian, to participate would be to place a costume over Christ and pretend that you are someone who worships at the table of demons.
Monday, October 17, 2011
A One World Religion? Ask Rick and Bill
We live in dangerous days. The apostle Paul warned Timothy that there would come a day when people would no longer put up with “sound doctrine” and I believe that we are now seeing the fuller implications of the apostle’s words. For me, it’s sad to see that for so many, they are easily swayed by a pastor or teacher based upon the size of his church or the success of his books and not even consider some of the things which they willing endorse. Okay, I must let the cat out of the bag as I am righteously annoyed at two of America’s more prevalent pastors who espouse such “expertise” in church growth----even giving conferences and offering the “struggling” churches resources by joining their “association.” But for the latest endorsements for Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, I must be obedient in exposing the error of their Christian beliefs.
There is a new movement called “Christ-Islam” which endeavors for Christians and Muslims to join together on the basis of “loving God and loving each other” for the sake of world peace. The movement which is called “A Common Word Between Us” http://www.acommonword.com/ holds to the belief of unity of the faith based on what both the Bible and Qur’an teaches. It states: “Not only can A Common Word Between Us give them a starting point for cooperation and worldwide co-ordination, but it does so on the most solid theological ground possible: the teachings of the Qu'ran and the Prophet r, and the commandments described by Jesus Christ u in the Bible. Thus despite their differences, Islam and Christianity not only share the same Divine Origin and the same Abrahamic heritage, but the same two greatest commandments.”
Any student of God’s only Word to man, the Bible, should be able to understand that the teachings of Islam and the teachings of the Bible are not compatible. In a document entitled “A Christian Response to A Common Word Between Us and You” the following is endorsed by the mentioned names above as well as many other in the evangelical community:
“What is common between us lies not in something marginal nor in something merely important to each. It lies, rather, in something absolutely central to both: love of God and love of neighbor. Surprisingly for many Christians, your letter considers the dual command of love to be the foundational principle not just of the Christian faith, but of Islam as well---That this common ground consists in love of God and of neighbor gives hope that deep cooperation between us can be a hallmark of the relations between our two communities.” (http://www.yale.edu/faith/acw/acw.htm. see the names of those endorsing at the bottom of this document).
I know that it sounds rather “Kumbaya-ish” that we would show “our love” to Islam by recognizing that they also have a love for God and a love for each other just as we Christians are commanded to do; however, this has nothing to do with “love” but rather a blurring of the lines of truth which promote the idea of a “one world religion.” Islam and Christianity do not serve the same God. We do not share the common belief that we are of the same “Divine Origin.” John 1:1 states very clearly that man’s divine origin came from JESUS CHRIST who was “The Word” that He was with God in the beginning. Islam vehemently opposes the deity of Jesus Christ. How then can Christians promote the idea that we are on the same page with Islam when it comes to “loving God?” Furthermore, do we, as Christians, believe that Muslim’s are lovers of God when they deny that Jesus Christ is Lord? Does the God of the Bible see them as one’s who love Him? No, the reality is that Islam is far from God and is incapable of offering Him true worship because they have denied Jesus Christ. By evangelical pastors believing that we can “join together” on the common ground of “loving God and loving our neighbor” is being deceptive in their witness to Muslims making them feel as if they are lovers of God while being on the pathway to eternal damnation!
We cannot have “Peace” apart from the “Prince of Peace” who is Jesus Christ! Peace is not the absence of war but it is the presence of Jesus! By these “leaders” endorsing this idea, they are promoting deception by eliminating the truth about Christ and proposing that there is “another way” by which we can accomplish God’s plan on earth. Sorry Rick and Bill, but give me chapter and verse where it says that to “love others” means to lower the standard of truth in God’s Word. The truth in this matter is that there is no “compromise” when it comes to proclaiming who Jesus Christ is and by us softening our beliefs by coming under the name of “God” and “love” rather than the name of “Jesus Christ,” it diminishes the power of the gospel. Paul himself said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…”(Romans 1:16). It’s not the gospel of “God” as everyone has a “god” whom they serve. Islam serves a “god” who demands his followers “perform” acts of goodness in order to be given an opportunity to enter into heaven---and knows nothing of true love. Allah is not a god that reaches to man. So, Rick, Bill and others, why would you profane the holy Name of my God by portraying Him in the same light as the god of Islam? There is a greater agenda----one that calls for “global peace” apart from Christ, one that calls for the “unity of man” apart from Christ”, and one that calls for the “worship of one god” apart from Christ---its called the moving toward a one world religion and as for me, I’m not buying it!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
How to Launch Into the Extreme Prophetic
There is an alarming trend which I have observed in the arena of worship which makes the suggestion that the heights to which I learn to achieve in my “worship,” the greater “revelation” of the deep mysteries of God will be revealed to me. In this dangerous and erroneous movement, the spirit of prophecy is treated with contempt as self-proclaimed “prophets and apostles” promote the idea that only those who are among the spiritually “elite” have the privileged to understand these “mysteries.” In fact, they go as far to believe that God is giving them “new revelation” which can only be translated by those gifted in the office of prophet or apostle. Because we live in a world where people are searching for answers and are genuinely hungry for something from God that will sustain them in these last days, people are willing to gravitate towards what feels good and sounds good----even if they cannot fully make sense of it. In the end, the thing that is truly missing from their lives is the love for truth and a true knowledge of God’s Word. Unfortunately, rather than understanding the nature and character of the Holy Spirit, many who participate in certain factions of the prophetic movement are captivated by the Christian “tooth fairy” who gives us gold fillings, angelic pixies who sprinkle their intoxicating “gold dust” for us to frolic in and cosmic disco balls which appear so God’s people can brag about our over-the-top worship experience. And because we have this movement which appeals to our fleshly desires---if not bordering on the demonic--- the prophetic movement has left a bad taste in the mouth of many within the church.
In order to combat this, we must come to an understanding as to what the function of the “prophetic” is in light of Scripture. Prophecy as a whole calls out three aspects of God’s redemptive purposes: the condition of man, man’s need for God, and the promises of God to restore man. All of prophecy points to the one essential truth that everything that God reveals, whether it is “foretelling” or “forth-telling,” is “designed to make Jesus Christ preeminent” and “to show how Christ will once again be the revelation of God in all his splendor and majesty.”[i] Additionally, there is no “new revelation” which exists apart from the Word of God. All prophecy only confirms what already had been revealed in Scripture. Otherwise, we might as well take the words of these self-proclaimed apostles and prophets and add them to the Bible and call it “Scripture.” There are no “new truths” about God. HE IS TRUTH AND HE NEVER CHANGES! The “prophetic” only confirms the truth about God----which all we know about God, is contained in His Word.
The “Prophetic Movement” misses the nature of what prophecy is intended to do in the lives of believers (or even non-believers). Prophecy along with the promises of God is simply meant to draw us to Christ. As it reveals the heart of man and the heart of God, it is meant to draw us to a greater realization of Jesus Christ not a greater realization of ourselves. The message that is sent by many within this movement is that the supernatural and the promises of God are meant for us. The result is an ascent to self-realization rather than Christ-realization. The apostle Paul stated that the “promises of God” are “Yes and Amen in CHRIST” not “yes and amen” in ME (see 2 Cor. 1:20-21). His point is simple: no matter what God is doing it is done with the sole purpose that Christ is glorified. Prophecy which admonishes that “we” can achieve or that “we” are given power and “gifts” rather than prophecy that admonishes that “He” allows us to achieve and that “He” is the source of all power and gifts is not of God. There is no deep “mystical truth” that only those with “eyes to see and ears to hear” are privileged to experience. In fact, Acts 2 tells us that God will “pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh” and that “your sons and daughters will PROPHESY…” Those who come to “Christ-realization” are given this privilege of experiencing the spirit of prophecy---which is Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:10) and this “prophetic gifting” is for a very distinct purpose. It is to be WITNESSES to the truth about Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). It is not for the purpose to bring about “deeper teaching” and “supernatural signs and wonders” which make people say “You’re really spiritual!” It’s not so we can come to a ‘self-realization” of power which makes us believe that we somehow have a spiritual authority to use or even “command” the things of God.
Prophecy in the modern day church is the same as it has always been. It is a witness that testifies to the condition of man, the heart of God, and the answer for man’s dilemma. Simply put, prophecy proclaims that we are sinners, Jesus took the judgment that is awaiting us because of His love and because of this God has made us His sons and daughters to live eternally in His kingdom. Beware my brothers and sisters in Christ as there are wolves among us who would lead you to believe that there are deeper truths out there through the “prophetic word.” The only essential truth that we will ever need to know for all of eternity is that Jesus Christ is Lord and He alone is the One who is to be glorified! If you truly want to launch into the world of “extreme prophetic” then simply worship Jesus and bring Him glory with all of your life; after all, isn’t that the most spiritual thing we can ever attain to do?
[i] D. Brent Sandy, Plowshares and Pruning Hooks (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2002), 205.
[i] McConville, 159.
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