For several years, I had the belief everything thing "supernatural" that happens within the context of a worship service was a sure sign that God was doing something special in the midst of the church body. I've had the privilege of participating in some incredible services throughout our country and I have experienced many unexplainable things which have served to make changes in my life. With that said, let me preface this week's blog by stating that I am fully embracing of the supernatural God and the result of His Holy Spirit suddenly coming upon His people in power and glory; however, I have also come to understand that even in the church setting not all that is supernatural is of God, even though it is coined as being in the Name of the Lord. Several questions need to be asked. "Is God the only Being that is capable of 'supernaturally" manifesting?" "Just because something takes place within the four walls of the church, does that mean it is 'off limits' to demonic influence?" "If there are manifestations, are the qualifications of their origin based on it being a 'supernatural occurrence' or is there some tangible way that God has given us to measure the world of the supernatural?" Finally, "What does the Bible have to say about supernatural activity in the last days and who will be impacted by those influences?" Because this is such an extensive subject, I will have to address it in two parts. Additionally, I have posted several links that discuss some of the documented claims and quotes concerning various leaders.
A few weeks ago, I addressed the issues concerning the Seeker-Sensitive and Emergent church movements. One of the problems that those branches of theological belief promote is a man-centered emphasis on worship. There is however an extreme that rests on the other end of the worship spectrum and it is quickly infiltrating the more charismatic and Spirit-filled churches. The name of this movement falls under the guise of many terms: New Apostolic Reformation, Extreme Prophetic Movement, Latter Rain and the Apostolic Alignment. The draw to these movements are the seemingly incredible manifestations which are present during times of worship. For those who are sincerely hungry for an encounter with the Living God, the power and presence that exists in many of the gatherings of this movement draw individuals to a greater awareness of the realm of the supernatural. I admit, it is easy to be awed by such power, presence, and manifestation, but if one investigates the leadership of this movement and examine the claims they have made, one can find that the worship they are promoting is anything but Biblical!
The concern I have, which is often missed by many in Scripture, is found in Jesus' warning to His disciples in Matthew 24. Consider the context of this discussion. The disciples ask Jesus about the "last days" and His response begins with "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in MY NAME claiming I am the Christ and deceive many" (Matthew 24: 4-5). First of all, Jesus is talking to those who already know Him and He is telling them to "watch out" from being deceived. Secondly, he explains the nature of this deception as being that those who will deceive will look a lot like the Lord to the point of being a convincing, spitting image of Christ. The result is that "many WILL be deceived." The entire context of Matthew 24 and 25 is that Christ is speaking to His disciples as to what they need to look for and to watch out for in the last days.Scripture also indicates that in the last days that there will be a great falling away in which people will gather themselves around false prophets and teachers who will "SECRETLY INTRODUCE destructive heresies..." (2 Peter 2). In other words, this deception will not be blatant but a subtle and gradual progression toward embracing heretical teachings.
A few months ago, I was asked to lead worship at a small gathering of believers who were hosting a special speaker from a church in the area that was experiencing the "glory" in their service. He spoke of the manifestations of "manna" and "gold dust" as well as a story about a small church he visited in which a form of "stigmata" appeared on the walls of the building. He then explained that one of his mentors, Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries, had an incredible thing happen to him. Joyner was "bi-located" one weekend. He claimed that Joyner was at two different places at the same time in separate parts of the country. He was teaching at his church and attending a conference simultaneously. He proof-texted this idea with using 1 Corinthians 5:3 as meaning that since Paul wasn't physically with the Corinthians, he was with them literally present with them via his "spirit." The pastor then described his own unique journey of "flying" through the cosmos with an angel who was giving him "special revelation." He said he asked God, "Why are you doing this?" And God replied, "Because I know you like it."He also explained that we tend to think that things like "astral-projection" are works of the devil but in reality, they were God's first and now the church was once again claiming what was rightfully theirs.
I will not dispute whether these supernatural events are happening, but I will dispute the Biblical premise for them. For instance, my question about the "manna" is simple---"Why?" Manna in the Old Testament pointed to the Bread of Life who in its fulfillment is Jesus. Jesus said "I am the Bread of Life which has come down from heaven." Sorry to say, but as a Christian, we have all the "manna" we will ever need and do not have need for a reappearance of the substitute. The most common explanation for "gold dust" in these circles is "because God is shaking the heavens." What is interesting about this Biblical phrase is that it is a METAPHOR for God's judgment in the earth not a blessing for His people! The most shocking aspect of listening to this area pastor was not only the subscribing to the idea of things like remote location exercises and astral-projection, but also that he admittedly announced that these were works of the devil that originated in God.
As people are getting caught up in the supernatural manifestations, they appear to be missing the bigger picture that is promoting a worship that is bent on deception. Within these circles, the "angelic" realm holds a high place. In one recent revival, which organizations such as Morning Star, International House of Prayer, and C. Peter Wagner Ministries have openly promoted, it is a well documented that those overseeing the services (Todd Bentley and Bob Jones), were receiving instructions from the angel "Emma." One such claim by Bentley was that he had to receive revelation through Emma because she had to serve as a mediator between Christ and man in order for man to understand the things of God. Again, I am not disputing as to whether or not these things have happened. In fact, I'm inclined to believe that they have. But if we consider the foundations of this current teaching and the lack of Biblical support for their claims, one has to question the origin of these manifestations.
In essence, this new wave of teaching is based on a simple premise: you can ascend to Godhood. These teachers continually promote the idea of "spiritual elitism" and are continuing to receive "new revelation" which can only be interpreted through the "New Apostleship." Unless you are "spiritual" you cannot understand these "deeper truths and secrets" which the kingdom of God holds. With a heavy emphasis on an Old Testament paradigm, these teachers grossly misinterpret Scripture and make no excuses for submitting "new truths" that have come from Scripture. Christian brothers and sisters, BE WARNED! Paul said that "if we or an ANGEL FROM HEAVEN should preach a gospel other than the one preached to you, let him be eternally condemned" (Galatians 1:8). And what is that Gospel? Does it promote a "spiritual elitism" that seeks supernatural signs and wonders which serve no purpose in advancing the kingdom of God but rather line the pockets of preachers and teachers who claim "We are the ones who have the answers?" Is it a gospel that says "we can HAVE his glory" even though the Bible says "I am the Lord and I will not share my glory with another?" (Is. 42:8). Is it a gospel that promotes the invitation of the "angelic" to be present and noticed through premonitions, orbs, and blue flames during "worship" when it is God that is to be the One on the center stage? No, I believe the gospel based upon truth! The Spirit of God will not lead His people into a place where they feel they are spiritually elite and carry a "dominionist " attitude. Instead, true worship breeds humility, submissiveness, selflessness, and a sense of complete abandonment to one's self.
Theologically speaking, we cannot become "more spiritual." We either are or we are not. The truth is, to become "spiritual" is not in being privileged to experience all sorts of "heavenly things." Jesus told Thomas, who was bent on seeing the manifestations of the heavenly Jesus, "blessed are they that HAVE NOT SEEN, and yet have believed" (John 20:29). The sure sign of being more "spiritual" is the fact that faith, which is believing and NOT seeing, is growing. A worship that deceives is one promotes "ascent" to spirituality; rather, worship should promote a "descent" of our lives that cries out with all of our hearts "He must become more and I must become less" (John 3:30).
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